Add movement to meetings to build momentum

Health & Wellness

Incorporating movement into meetings is a powerful way to enhance corporate fitness and invigorate your health and wellness program. Moving meetings can boost energy, improve focus, and foster a healthier, more dynamic work environment. Here’s how you can seamlessly add movement to your meetings and build momentum in your workplace.

1. Stand-Up Meetings

Start with something simple like stand-up meetings. This format encourages brevity and keeps everyone engaged and alert.

Example: “Try holding your daily check-ins or team briefings standing up. This not only keeps the meeting short but also promotes better posture and increased energy levels.”

2. Walking Meetings

Take your meetings on the move. Walking meetings are excellent for one-on-one discussions or small group brainstorming sessions.

Example: “Encourage team leaders to take their next project discussion outdoors. Walking meetings can stimulate creativity and reduce the stress associated with more formal settings.”

3. Incorporate Stretch Breaks

Integrate short stretch breaks during longer meetings. These breaks can help reduce fatigue and maintain focus.

Example: “Set a timer for every hour during long meetings and lead a quick 5-minute stretch session. This can include simple stretches that can be done at or near the desk.”

4. Use Fitness Equipment

Incorporate simple fitness equipment like stability balls or standing desks into your meeting rooms to encourage movement.

Example: “Replace traditional chairs with stability balls or provide standing desks in your meeting rooms. This subtle change can promote core strength and reduce the risk of sedentary-related health issues.”

5. Fitness Intermissions

For extended meetings, schedule brief fitness intermissions to energize participants. This can include activities like light yoga or aerobic exercises.

Example: “During all-day training sessions, include a 10-minute yoga session after lunch. This helps to refresh attendees and keep their energy levels high for the rest of the day.”

6. Interactive Presentations

Encourage interactive presentations where participants have to move around the room. This keeps everyone engaged and physically active.

Example: “Incorporate activities where attendees move to different stations to discuss various aspects of a project. This promotes movement and active participation.”

7. Promote Desk Exercises

Teach simple desk exercises that employees can perform during virtual meetings. This is especially useful for remote teams.

Example: “Share a list of desk exercises that employees can do during virtual meetings, such as seated leg lifts or shoulder rolls. Encourage everyone to follow along during the call.”

8. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Leverage fitness apps and wearables to track movement during meetings and set group goals for added motivation.

Example: “Implement a step-count challenge using fitness trackers, and encourage team members to meet their step goals by the end of each meeting.”

9. Designate Movement-Friendly Spaces

Create meeting spaces that are conducive to movement, such as rooms with open floor plans or access to outdoor areas.

Example: “Designate certain meeting rooms as ‘movement-friendly zones’ with ample space for walking, stretching, or even doing light exercises.”

10. Lead by Example

Encourage leaders to model these behaviors by incorporating movement into their own meetings. When leadership prioritizes movement, it sets a positive example for the entire organization.

Example: “Have managers and executives lead by example by holding walking meetings or starting each meeting with a brief stretching session.”


Adding movement to meetings is a simple yet effective strategy to enhance your corporate fitness and health and wellness program. By integrating these practices, you can create a more dynamic and healthy work environment that benefits employees across all generations. Remember, even small changes can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being and productivity. Let’s get moving and build momentum together!

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