Helping employees create healthier habits: a guide for employers

Health & Wellness

As an employer, you play a crucial role in supporting your team’s journey towards healthier lifestyles. By fostering an environment that encourages and facilitates healthy habits, you can boost productivity, reduce absenteeism and create a more positive workplace culture.

Let’s explore effective strategies to help your employees develop and maintain healthier habits.

1. Lead by example

As a leader, your actions set the tone for the entire organization. Demonstrate your commitment to health by:

  • Prioritizing your own health and sharing your journey
  • Participating in workplace wellness initiatives
  • Encouraging work-life balance through your own practices

2. Create a supportive environment

Make it easier for employees to make healthy choices by:

  • Offering healthy snack options in break rooms
  • Ensuring access to clean drinking water throughout the workplace
  • Providing standing desks or ergonomic workstations
  • Designating spaces for relaxation or meditation

3. Implement flexible work arrangements

Support work-life balance by offering:

  • Flexible working hours
  • Remote work options where possible
  • Adequate paid time off for rest and rejuvenation

4. Provide education and resources

Empower employees with knowledge and tools:

  • Host workshops on nutrition, exercise and stress management
  • Offer access to health coaching or counseling services
  • Provide a library of health and wellness resources

5. Encourage physical activity

Promote movement throughout the workday:

  • Organize walking meetings
  • Offer on-site fitness classes or gym membership subsidies
  • Encourage the use of stairs and provide bike racks

6. Foster mindfulness and mental health

Support mental well-being through:

  • Mindfulness and meditation programs
  • Stress management workshops
  • Mental health or “recharge” days

7. Implement health challenges

Create friendly competition to motivate healthier choices:

  • Step challenges using fitness trackers
  • Hydration challenges
  • Healthy eating challenges

8. Offer incentives

Motivate employees with rewards for healthy behaviors:

  • Health insurance premium reductions for meeting health goals
  • Extra time off for participating in wellness programs
  • Recognition for achieving personal health milestones

9. Use technology

Take advantage of digital tools to support health initiatives:

  • Wellness apps for tracking fitness and nutrition
  • Virtual health coaching platforms
  • Online communities for sharing progress and tips

10. Encourage social support

Foster a community of health within your organization:

  • Create wellness committees or ambassador programs
  • Facilitate health-focused employee resource groups
  • Organize team-building activities centered on health and wellness

By implementing approaches like those listed here, you can develop an environment where healthy habits become a natural part of your employees’ daily lives and create a workplace culture that truly supports and encourages well-being. 

Our team of workplace wellness experts is here to support you in this journey, providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your organization and employees. Together, we can create a workplace where healthy choices are easy choices, empowering your team to thrive both personally and professionally.

Create a thriving environment

Ready to prioritize well-being and ensure success in your workplace? Take the first step towards transformation today!

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