The importance of physical activity and exercise in the workplace


In today’s fast-paced work environment, maintaining a balance between professional responsibilities and personal well-being can be challenging. However, integrating physical activity and exercise into the workplace is becoming increasingly recognized as a vital component of employee health and productivity. Here’s why it’s important for both employers and their workforce, and how employers can effectively encourage it through workplace fitness programs.

Why physical activity and exercise matter in the workplace

1. Enhanced productivity and performance

Regular physical activity has been shown to boost cognitive function, leading to improved concentration, faster learning and sharper memory. For employees, this translates into greater efficiency and better performance on the job. 

2. Reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs

Physical inactivity is linked to numerous health issues, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Encouraging regular exercise helps mitigate these risks, leading to fewer sick days and lower healthcare costs.

3. Improved mental health and overall well-being

Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators, and helps reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Providing opportunities for physical activity at work can therefore improve employees’ mental health, enhance their mood and foster a more positive workplace environment.

4. Increased employee engagement and morale

When employees feel that their employer cares about their health, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated and loyal. Workplace fitness programs can serve as a platform for team-building, enhancing collaboration and camaraderie among employees.

5. Attraction and retention of talent

In a competitive job market, benefits that promote work-life balance and personal well-being are highly valued — and existing employees are more likely to stay with a company that supports their overall health and wellness.

How employers can encourage physical activity through workplace fitness programs

Implementing a successful workplace fitness program involves more than just setting up a fitness center; it requires a thoughtful approach that considers the diverse needs of employees and integrates seamlessly into the company culture. Here are some strategies employers can use to promote physical activity at work:

1. Create a fitness-friendly environment

  • On-site fitness facilities. Provide a dedicated space featuring gym equipment or space for exercise classes. Make it accessible and convenient for employees to use during breaks or before or after work.
  • Encourage movement breaks. Promote the idea of short, regular breaks for stretching or walking. Implement policies that encourage employees to move away from their desks and get some physical activity.

2. Offer diverse fitness programs

  • Group exercise classes. Organize a variety of classes, such as yoga, Pilates, Zumba or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), catering to people of different fitness levels and interests.
  • Personal training and wellness coaching. Provide access to personal trainers or wellness coaches who can create personalized fitness plans and offer guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Virtual fitness options. For remote or hybrid teams, offer online fitness classes or subscriptions to fitness apps to ensure that all employees have access to wellness resources.

3. Incorporate fitness into daily routines

  • Walking meetings. Encourage walking meetings instead of traditional sit-down meetings to promote movement and creativity.
  • Stair challenges. Promote the use of stairs over elevators by organizing stair challenges or creating stairwell art to make the experience more enjoyable.
  • Active commutes. Support employees who bike or walk to work by providing bike racks, showers and changing facilities.

4. Promote a culture of health and wellness

  • Wellness challenges. Organize fitness challenges or competitions that encourage teamwork and healthy competition. Track progress and celebrate achievements.
  • Incentives and rewards. Offer incentives such as discounts on fitness memberships, wellness-related gift cards or additional time off for employees who participate in fitness programs.
  • Education and awareness. Provide regular workshops, newsletters or seminars on the benefits of physical activity and tips for integrating it into daily life.

5. Use technology and resources

  • Fitness tracking. Use wearable technology or fitness apps to help employees track their physical activity and set personal goals.
  • Online resources. Develop a dedicated section on the company intranet featuring resources, such as exercise guides, healthy recipes and wellness tips.
  • Partnerships with gyms: Collaborate with local fitness centers to offer discounted memberships or exclusive classes for employees.

6. Leadership and management support

  • Lead by example. Encourage company leaders and managers to actively participate in fitness initiatives and set a positive example for employees.
  • Flexible scheduling. Allow flexible work hours to enable employees to incorporate exercise into their daily routines without compromising their work responsibilities.
  • Regular feedback. Gather feedback from employees to continuously improve the fitness program and address any challenges or suggestions.


Integrating physical activity and exercise into the workplace is not just a perk; it’s a strategic investment in the health, well-being and productivity of employees. By fostering a culture that values fitness, employers can enhance employee satisfaction, reduce healthcare costs and build a more engaged and resilient workforce. Whether through on-site fitness facilities, diverse programming, a fitness and wellness app or supportive policies, there are numerous ways employers can encourage and sustain physical activity at work. Embracing these initiatives helps create a healthier, happier and more productive work environment for everyone.

Our workplace well-being experts are here to support you in this journey, ensuring that your employees have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. We have the solutions needed to keep employees physically active. Together, we can build a healthier and more connected workplace.

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